How to watch music videos on Spotify

Spotify has been a staple for finding new music and enjoying old classics but in March 2024, the platform takes it further by adding music videos.

Available on mobile and desktop, you only need a premium account to access music videos on Spotify. The feature is, unfortunately, still limited to certain countries as of writing and these are:

  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Germany
  • Indonesia
  • Italy
  • Kenya
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Sweden
  • The Netherlands
  • United Kingdom

RELATED: How to watch video podcasts on Spotify

Step-by-step guide to watching music videos on Spotify

On mobile

  1. Make sure you are subscribed to a Spotify Premium account and that your app is updated to the latest version
  2. Pick a song to play and tap on the bottom banner to bring up the Now Playing section
  3. Scroll down and just below the lyrics is a section where you can watch music videos
  4. Tap on the video you’d like to play and enjoy!

On desktop

  1. Make sure you are subscribed to a Spotify Premium account and that your app is updated to the latest version
  2. Pick a song then click on the Now Playing icon on the bottom right of the app, near the microphone icon.
  3. The sidebar will pop out from the right and there will be a section for music videos similar to the app
  4. Tap on the video you’d like to play and enjoy! On desktop, you can choose from watching in the sidebar, full screen, or a pop-out window.

Some notes:

Spotify’s music video library is still quite limited so you might have to scour around for songs that have music videos available. Some artists included The Weeknd, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Gus Dapperton, and more.

Additionally, once you activate the video, it will now be the default setting. To switch back to audio only, tap on the Switch to Audio button on the Now Playing page.

Other Fun Things You Can Do on Spotify

Beyond music videos, Spotify offers several other features to enhance your listening experience:

  • Discover Weekly: Personalized playlists that introduce you to new music every week
  • Daylist – A curated, mood-based playlist created based on your listening history
  • Collaborative Playlists/Jam: Share the joy of music by creating playlists with friends
  • Artist Radio: Stations tailored to the music style of your favorite artists
  • Spotify Psychic – A mini-game that suggests music based on questions you answer

The Melting Pot

The Modern Creatures curates a playlist every month! If you’re interested in finding new music or just vibing with us, check out the playlists here.



Pokémon Go’s Remote Raid Battles Guide

The Pokémon Go team has just announced on its blog the details of how its upcoming update will change certain dynamics of its gameplay. As a location-based game, Pokémon Go requires its players to literally walk around to discover Pokémon or access ‘PokéStops’ and Gyms for items and special encounters.

Although with the recent outbreak, the company is supporting the movement to stay indoors. Hence, the introduction of an upcoming update that lets you raid indoors.

Remote Raid Battles

Let’s get straight to it. Basically, once this feature rolls out, you’ll be able to participate on ANY ongoing raid battles you see on your Nearby list or any Gym that you can tap on your map. One Remote Raid Pass is required just like a normal raid battle, but the number of this special pass that you can hold will be limited — meaning you can’t stock up on them and go on a raiding spree.

This is an important aspect: The folks at Pokémon Go says that at launch, the attack power of Trainers battling from home and Trainers able to be exactly at the raid location will be equal. However, later on, it will be changed in a way that those who are physically at the Gym’s location will have higher attack power as compared to those raiding from home.

As long as you see nearby raids, you’ll soon be able to participate even while you’re home

Additionally, the company says it will soon be making adjustments to the above-mentioned feature to ‘include changes to the number of Trainers who can join remotely, and the ability to invite friends to raids regardless of their location.’ That’s right. Soon, you will be able to raid and take down legendary Pokémon with your friends even if they’re in a different country.

This will totally redefine the game in a positive way. The most interaction two distant players can have right now is through sending ‘gifts’ from their location to yours and it contains normal items any player could get simply anywhere. With this upcoming implementation, they’re adding another reason to play the game and teaming up with close friends will be encouraged.

So when should we be able to try this out? According to their blog post, Remote Raid Passes will initially appear at the in-game shop under the 1 PokéCoin bundle. The team says it will be ‘coming soon’ so that’s one thing to watch for. When the feature is officially introduced, however, it will be available as a single option in the Store for 100 PokéCoins.

Other updates

Daily Research Task

Apart from being able to raid from home, there are more good news to be excited about. For the daily bonus Field Research task, you’ll be given simple tasks that you can easily do at home — like probably evolving X number of Pokémon or something similar — so you wouldn’t have to go out to reach a Poké Stop. This way, you can keep your streak for daily tasks when no available Stops are around.

Buddy to the rescue

Another feature to look forward to is having more to do with your Pokémon buddy. No matter your friendship level, as long as you run low on gifts, your buddy will start going to nearby PokéStops to get more for you. Although, they didn’t specify how near should the Stops be for your buddy to be able to go to it.

We could be seeing something similar once your buddy starts getting gifts for sending.

Powering up made easier

We’ve all powered up one or two of our Pokémon to the max and you know how long it took and how tedious it was to do the same thing repeatedly. This will all be a thing of the past as the ability to power them up to your desired CP will be available in just a few taps.

Stacked effects

For items with timed durations like Lucky Eggs, Star Pieces, or Incense, players will be able to activate more than one at a time and stack its effects. The maximum number one can activate is 200, and once these items are activated, they’re no longer in the Item Bag.

Better interface

In addition to all those, the company will also be rolling out updated interface specifically for battle screens. HP bars are said to appear more consistent throughout and Pokémon types will be indicated on the screen.

These are major changes that in themselves, are fun for players. Although at the same time, it encourages them to stay at home and minimize the risk of spreading virus.

We will be following the upcoming updates so stay tuned as we hear more from the Pokémon Go team.