This is the main idea behind the new Pokémon Unite game that The Pokémon Company has just announced. Gameplay will be through 5v5 matches with lanes similar to the currently popular MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) titles. But instead of having the goal of destroying the main structure of each team, players must race to have higher score points before the match ends.
Check out this announcement video further explaining the mechanics:
Of course, you’ll get to use your favorite Pokémon’s moves as you battle, and as you level up, you unlock more skills and special attacks. They can also evolve as they grow stronger giving you and your teammates a better chance at claiming victory.
Pokémon Unite will be available for mobile phones and the Nintendo Switch. Additionally, cross-platform gameplay is supported so players on Switch can invite and play with those on smartphones anytime, and vice versa.
The release date has not been disclosed but it will be available as a free-to-play game.