WATCH: Aston Martin releases short film with Felicity Jones and the DBX707


Aston Martin has just released a new short film and what the company is calling “its most significant product marketing campaign of 2022”.

Starring BAFTA and Academy Award-nominated actress Felicity Jones, Power: What is it? is a one-minute short set against the British landscape of Dartmoor National Park and celebrates its benchmark-setting luxury SUV, the DBX707.

Rolling through the hills in an elegant and eye-catching Racing Green color, Jones monologues on the meaning of power while the DBX707 emanates it.

“Eight months on from its breath-taking reveal, DBX707 continues to impress drivers with its thrilling performance, supercar driving dynamics and unmistakable style. Through this content, we have sought to bring those attributes to life in a creative way, pairing a powerful script with an elegant performer who delivers a strong, intense performance. Filmed and produced in the UK, the campaign reflects our passion for partnering with leading British talent to bring Aston Martin’s brand and our unique combination of ultra-luxury and high-performance to life.”


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