Filipino-developed game Anito Legends moves on to early access release

All roads are leading to the early access launch of the upcoming Filipino-made title Anito Legends.

Just a few months after the closed beta was made available on PC, Mac, Android, and iOS devices, the team has implemented Cloud Save and the Player vs. Player (PVP) battle system – two key features that are extremely significant to the game’s early access release this August 2022.

“Anito Legends is headed for a very exciting time in the next few months. With our beta testers already having access to Cloud Save and the PVP system, they are given a deeper preview of what the Anito Legends early access will offer once it releases this August 2022,” shares James Chua, the Chief Executive Officer of Anito Legends.

Implementing Cloud Save and PVP before all other features in Anito Legends is extremely important at this stage of development.

Cloud Save allows players to sync and access their game data across all devices where Anito Legends is currently playable. On the other hand, PVP lets players match and fight against other players within the game, offering another exciting game mode for competitive gamers.

According to Anito Legends Chief Operations Officer Erick Garayblas, “Letting our beta testers utilize Cloud Save and PVP before early access helps us make everything work efficiently and securely on the back end. This provides a smooth and convenient gameplay experience for our player base and community.”

Anito Legends is looking to release its early access version on the Binance Smartchain Mainnet this August 2022.

Sales of its Anito NFTs will also happen during the same month, with more optional play-and-earn features to follow in the future. To know more about Anito Legends, visit


Early learning with the Huawei MatePad T8 Kids Edition!

Kids these days definitely have an instant attachment to technology. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of these little ones with their eyes glued to a screen either playing games or watching videos online.

Sometimes, even to the point that it’s hard to make them stop, right?

This is why some folks look at technology as a negative thing for their children and sometimes even take away this privilege from them.

But we can’t just make them not use technology. After all, it’s a big part of the present and definitely the future. And on top of that, technology can actually be used to help a child’s development, especially in their early years.

Now, Huawei understands these concerns or pain points of parents when it comes to giving kids access to technology. And the company answers this in the form of the MatePad T8 Kids Edition.

Let’s break down these common pain points of parents and see how Huawei helps safely introduce tech to your kids with this special tablet.