Lanmodo Vast Pro is a dash camera with night vision

Dash and rear cameras have been a staple for a majority of vehicle owners for some time now and it’s not hard to see why. Having a dash camera provides the security that you’ll be able to provide evidence if an accident should ever happen.

But not all dash cameras are created equal and most have some difficulty in dealing with dark images when driving at night. That’s what American company, Lanmodo, aims to solve with their newest device, the Lanmodo Vast Pro.

This dashcam has two sensors, one for the front and one for the rear. Both cameras of the Vast Pro have been integrated with the company’s dual 1080P night vision system. The full-color IPS screen is able to provide sharp and clear images from both cameras even in the dark thanks to the onboard low-light imaging technology.

The cameras feature a 45-degree field-of-view for the front and 170 degrees for the rear. This means it’s able to provide a wider image and capture more of its surroundings. With 300m night vision distance, it’s able to see farther than the vehicle’s headlights to help drivers know what’s coming and provide an appropriate amount of time for a response if needed.

In addition, the Vast Pro also provides safety and security features. The system allows dual 1080P recording with support for up to 128GB storage. It features loop recording which overwrites old recordings so you won’t have to worry about clearing storage. The built-in G-sensor detects collision or accidents and locks that particular clip so it won’t be deleted.

It’s equipped with OBD power and low voltage protection which allows it to record even when the vehicle isn’t running. This works with the 24-hour night parking monitor feature that triggers the camera on if it detects collision when the vehicle is parked or unattended. The company says that the low voltage protection will keep the car’s battery from draining so the Vast Pro can operate safely.

Lanmodo is set to launch the Vast Pro as a crowdfunding project on Indiegogo soon but the company is currently offering a Golden Member promotion. For US$ 10, you become a Golden Member and can get a Lanmodo Vast Pro with a 128GB memory card for just US$ 199 (valued at US$ 619) when it releases.


Toyota will bust your myths about hybrid cars!

Chances are you’ve seen them in your favorite movies and TV series. No, we’re not talking about A-List celebrities (though many stars drive themselves around in one). We’re talking about hybrid cars, especially the uber-popular Toyota Prius! Globally, Toyota’s hybrid cars have established themselves as reliable choices for amazing fuel economy. It’s no wonder why you see Hybrids almost everywhere in most other countries!

It’s a very different story though here in the Philippines where there’s still a lot to be understood about Hybrids. There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding surrounding Hybrids, and here we’ll address the top myths to hopefully clear the air (pun intended) about these environment-friendly vehicles.

Let’s see how many of these Hybrid myths we can bust together! SPOILER ALERT: We’ll bust them all!

MYTH #1: Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles are basically the same


Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) operate on only one power source (electric motor) while the Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), as the name “Hybrid” suggests, runs on a combination of a petrol engine and an electric motor.

They’re similar in that they both have electricity as a power source but different because Hybrids vehicles also have a second power source — the petrol engine.

MYTH # 2: Hybrid Cars Need to Be Charged Before Use

THE TRUTH: Hybrids do not need to be plugged in to be charged. They are self-charging through the motion and braking of the car. This is called “regenerative braking” and is what makes Hybrids unique and extra convenient as electrified vehicles! This makes the ideal for the Philippines since there’s no need for added infrastructure like charging stations.

MYTH # 3: Hybrids are difficult to maintain.

THE TRUTH: Similar to a regular car, Hybrids just need to be brought to your local Toyota dealer for its preventive maintenance service (PMS). While usage circumstances still play a key role, Hybrid batteries don’t need any special maintenance on top of PMS.

Did you know that for added piece-of-mind, Toyota provides a 5-year warranty on the hybrid battery alongside the standard 3-year warranty on the vehicle itself? But don’t think that after 5 years you’re going to need to replace the battery, as Toyota’s Hybrid batteries are designed to last the lifetime of the car with proper care and maintenance.

MYTH # 4: Driving Hybrids in a flood will cause you to get electrocuted

THE TRUTH: No, you definitely won’t get electrocuted! The power shuts off once in contact with water. It’s no different in terms of safety from a conventional vehicle since both hybrids and conventional vehicles have their engines at similar heights from the ground. Don’t believe it yet? Check out this video to see how Toyota simulated flood situations with a Hybrid to prove its safety.

MYTH #5: Hybrids are expensive.

THE TRUTH: Hybrids are a lot more affordable now and are priced competitively to their conventional gas counterparts. And since Hybrids are very fuel-efficient, you’ll also save a lot on gas expenses in the long run.

Toyota has many Hybrids now for you to choose from, from the iconic Toyota Prius to hybrid variants of the Toyota Corolla Altis sedan and of the Toyota Corolla Cross.

MYTH #6: Hybrids are hard to drive

THE TRUTH: If you know how to drive a conventional vehicle, then you know how to drive a hybrid! Hybrids actually have the smallest learning curve among electrified vehicles! You just need to gas them up like your conventional car (just not as often anymore!). The hybrid system is very intelligent and automatically switches between EV and gas mode to give you the most out of your fuel!

And there you have it! Six myths, all busted! Hybrids may be thought of as the future, but they’re also the now!

Toyota Motor Philippines offers several hybrid models available now ready to be driven on Philippine roads. No need for charging stations. No worrying about running out of juice in the middle of a trip. Reduce your emissions today and start saving on fuel!

Visit to discover more about Toyota’s Hybrid vehicles!